New To Homeschool Questions

What about standardized testing?

Homeschoolers do standardized tests annually for their own records. They are not shared with the school district. Many homeschoolers use CAT or Peabody tests. They can be done online at any point through the year, and usually cost around $25 per student.

Who do I talk to at my school?

School districts have a homeschool liaison generally listed on the district website depending on which district you live in. They tend to be helpful and supportive.

You just need to fill out a form through the district requesting the reimbursement (typically due Oct 1st), and then submit receipts by May.

Overall, homeschooling reporting in MN is very easy. There are no portfolios to turn in or required number of school days, etc. There are also so many wonderful resources right now to encourage parents- books, podcasts, online conferences, etc

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I successfully homeschool if I don’t have a teaching certification? What if I never went to college?

You taught your children to talk, walk, eat, have manners…
Who better to teach them then someone who deeply cares?
Curriculum outlines the scope and sequence, but parents impart the love of learning, build character and curiosity. If you don’t know the material, learn together.
Affirming interaction helps student succeed.
Other families study the same material which motivates both students and parents.

Will homeschooled children be ready for college?

Colleges seek home schooled students, because they tend to be academically advanced, engaged in education, self-governed leaders, focused and specializing in topics which interest them. High school students can take PSEO courses and complete up to 2 years of college while still in high school. These students don’t need entrance exams.

Can we homeschool if we work full-time?

Schools use 7 hours a day because of wasted time. Children spend time waiting and distracted. Home school families generally spend 3-4 hours per day. Beside study time, learning happens in the car, at the store, everywhere and anytime they are receptive.

Students work on their assignments independently part of the time - not so distracted by other students! Then they have free time to enjoy family and other children!

What do students do the other 3 days?

Students should complete core classes either at home or a combination of Creative Academy and home. Electives can also be completed both at home and at the Academy. Education should happen at home with Creative Academy classes reinforcing, encouraging, and supporting families.

What if I already homeschool?

You can continue your curriculum if you want, or change to coordinate with the Academy. The choice is yours!
Great electives can help supplement and give new opportunities for learning and enrichment!

What does the schedule look like?

9:30 - Interactive chapel
10:00 - Class
11:00 - Class
12:00 - Lunch (bring your own)
12:30 - Class
1:30 - Class
2:30 - Class
Thursday has the same schedule but with different classes.
The Bible is part of every class to model how God is part of everything we do.

What about snow days?

We added 2 extra classes in case we miss some!

Will we go to Distance Learning?

No, distance learning is considered an ineffective envrionment for children to learn. Screen time is detrimental to their development. Children need face to face interactions and opportunities to ask questions.

When will Creative Academy have classes?

During The School Year
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30am-3:30pm

How big are classes?

Usually 5-15, but depends on the class.

Is each class a single grade level?

Most classes will have roughly 3 different ages together. This is an intentional design because student thrive in a community. Older students will step up to be a leader, like a big brother or sister helping other students. Younger children respect the older children and tend to try harder. When all children are the same age, the group tends to conform to being the same, like pounding down the nail that sticks out. We encourage the children to all do their best and support each other. This attitude of cooperation is often evident at home.

What about safety?

Safety is always important, especially with our children! Adults will be background checked. Someone will be available with CPR certification and other ways to protect our children.

Will we bus?

No. We encourage family involvement. Talk in the car and be a part at school!

How can I help at Creative Academy?

Parent Partners are an important part of Creative Academy! You can supervise lunch, assist in classes, organize field trips, greet at the Welcome Desk, set up, teardown, and lead small group discussions at Chapel or Worldview. Parents also make great instructors!
13000 63rd Avenue N, Maple Grove, MN 55369 | (763) 355-1046‬
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